Filosofía Inglés

Visits by Professors and Researchers in 2014


Autor: IF

Throughout 2014, the Institute of Philosophy received numerous visits from professors and researchers from both national and international universities. We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude for their presence at our institute.


Denis Alexander

Dr. Denis Alexander from the Faraday Institute at the University of Cambridge (UK) delivered lectures on «What models are best fit for interactions between science and religion?» and «How does contemporary genetics interact with theological understanding of human identity?» on October 16th and 17th, respectively.


Gustavo Aucar

Dr. Gustavo Aucar from the National University of the Northeast discussed «What kind of scientific reality emerges when the microworld of our own universe is explained using the language of quantum field theory?» on October 16th.


Marta Bertolaso

On August 7th, Dr. Marta Bertolaso from the University Campus Bio-Medico in Rome (Italy) presented her paper during the Workshop of the Second Interdisciplinary Research Week, focusing on understanding the unity of living beings and their relationship with the environment from a systemic approach..


Peter Bussey

Dr. Peter Bussey from the University of Glasgow (UK) delivered the lecture «Is the universe designed?» on October 16th as part of the «Grandes Preguntas» seminar.



Cecilia Calero

Dr. Cecilia Inés Calero from Torcuato di Tella University gave a lecture titled «Neurosciences and Education. ‘Pequeños maestros’ Project» on May 6th.



Valeria Canto-Soler

Dr. Valeria Cantó-Soler,  from Johns Hopkins University (USA) participated in the Workshop as a speaker, discussing the relationship between biological determinism and physicalism and reductionism on August 6th.



Maria Cerezo

Dr. María Cerezo, from the University of Murcia (Spain) was a speaker at the Workshop, addressing the topic of biological information and its relation to determinism on August 7th.



Miguel de Asua

El Dr. Miguel de Asúa, from the National University of San Martín delivered the lecture «Beyond Darwin» on August 4th. He also participated in the «Grandes preguntas» seminar, speaking about the «Key milestones in the discussions between science and religion» on October 16th.



Guillermo Folguera

 Dr. Guillermo Folguera, from the University of Buenos Aires was a speaker at the Workshop on August 6th, discussing determinism-indeterminism in evolutionary explanations, systemic, and organizational phenomena in biology.



Georg Gasser

On November 17th, Dr. Georg Gasser from the University of Innsbruck (Austria) gave the lecture «The Naturalization of Man? Prospects and pitfalls.»



Francisco GüellDr. Francisco Güell, from the University of Navarra (Spain) conducted the seminar «Developmental Biology and Characterization of the Living: Scientific Exposition and Open Philosophical Questions» on August 4th and 5th and was a speaker at the Workshop on August 7th.


Martin Gutierrez

Dr. Martín Gutiérrez from the University of Montevideo (Uruguay) delivered the lecture «Time, Consciousness, and the Brain» on May 22nd.



Francisco Leocata

Father Francisco Leocata from the Catholic University of Argentina spoke on «The Person and the Sciences of Man» on September 11th.



Hilary MarlowOn October 17th, Dr. Hilary Marlow from the Faraday Institute at the University of Cambridge (UK) gave the lecture «What does it mean to be human?»



Rafael Martinez

Dr. Rafael Martínez from the University of the Holy Cross in Rome (Italy) was a speaker at the Workshop on August 8th, addressing whether the emergence of life on Earth requires divine intervention.



Leonardo Rufiner

Dr. Hugo Leonardo Rufiner from the National University of Entre Ríos and the National University of Litoral discussed «Computational Intelligence and Bioinspired Systems. Could computers replace humans in the future?» on October 17th.


Carolina Sartorio


On June 12th, Dr. Carolina Sartorio from the University of Arizona (Tucson, USA) gave the lecture «How not to lose control in a deterministic world.»



Ignacio Silva

Dr. Ignacio Silva from the University of Oxford (UK) presented a paper during the Workshop on August 8th, exploring whether divine providence can act through the random mutations proposed by the theory of evolution.



Hector VelazquezOn August 6th, Dr. Héctor Velázquez Fernández from the Panamerican University (Mexico) was a speaker at the Workshop, discussing determinism-indeterminism in evolutionary explanations, systemic, and organizational phenomena, and their epistemological assumptions.



Rafael Vicuna

Dr. Rafael Vicuña from the Catholic University of Chile delivered the lecture «The Origin of Life on Earth» on August 5th and was a speaker at the Workshop on August 8th.


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