Filosofía Inglés

Presentation at the International Conference of Applied Positive Psychology


Autor: IF

María José Distéfano, doctoral student, and Dr Belén Mesurado, associate researcher of the Institute of Philosophy, presented the poster titled “HERO, online and self-administered program to promote prosocial behaviors in adolescents. Pilot study of acceptance and usability”, at the International Conference of Applied Positive Psychology. Innovative Wellness Designs, held on the Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina from the 12 to the 13 of September 2019. The meeting gathered Latin-American psychologists interested in Positive Psychology.

Here you can read the abstract:

Hero is a recently designed program to promote prosocial behaviors in adolescents. It is a digital and self-administered program. A pilot study was conducted with adolescents whith the objective of exploring the acceptance, ease of use, and perception of utility of the program. The sample consisted of 37 adolescents of both sexes, aged between 14 and 17 years. After carrying out the entire intervention, they were summoned to a face to face interview in order to assess their perception of acceptability and usability of the Hero program. Subsequently, a mixed analysis of the results was carried out: the closed questions were analyzed quantitatively using descriptive statistics. While the open questions were analyzed qualitatively from an empirical phenomenological approach. The results showed great acceptance of the program, a favourable perception of utility and ease of use. Likewise, more than 70% of the participants indicated that they would recommend it to other adolescents. This study was very useful since it allowed adjustments to be made in the intervention for later implementation in an efficacy study.

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