Filosofía Inglés

New Release in Spanish: «Fronteras del determinismo científico – Filosofía y ciencias en diálogo», edited by Claudia Vanney


Autor: IF

New Release in Spanish: «Fronteras del determinismo científico – Filosofía y ciencias en diálogo», edited by Claudia Vanney, Director of the Institute of Philosophy, and Olimpia Lombardi, Director of the Philosophy of Sciences Group based at the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of UBA. In this book, the question of determinism is addressed from various perspectives, ranging from quantum mechanics, chaos theory, and microscopic chemistry in the field of physical chemistry to genetics, evolutionary developmental biology, and conservation biology in the realm of life sciences. It also delves into specifically philosophical domains, addressing issues related to freedom and free will.

Is our reality determined, or is it instead subject to chance and surprise? The tension between determinism and indeterminism has been a constant concern of human beings in different epochs and cultures, yielding multiple responses throughout the history of philosophy. From ancient Greek Ananke and Latin fatum, embodying the idea of a destiny that shapes human and divine life, to the concept of a world where all certainty and security have been lost.

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