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Hermans, Michel

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Michel Hermans is a Professor of Organizational Behavior at IAE Business School, Universidad Austral in Argentina. A native of the Netherlands, he obtained his Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in Business Administration at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus Universiteit. He completed his doctoral studies (PhD) in Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University in the United States while on a Fulbright scholarship.

His research interests lie at the intersection of strategic management of people and international business. Specifically, he is interested in connections between organizational strategies, HRM practices, capabilities development and performance outcomes. His work has been published in the Journal of International Business Studies, Long Range Planning, Human Resource Management Journal, Journal of Business Research, Multinational Business Review, and the European Business Review.

Michel is the current President (2024-2027 term) of the Latin America and Caribbean chapter of the Academy of International Business. Previously, he acted as its Pre-Conference Chair in 2022 and Conference Chair in 2023. He has served as Associate Editor of Revista de Administração de Empresas (2021-2024), and has acted as guest editor of special issues for the International Journal of Human Resource Management and Multinational Busines Review.

Prior to his academic career, Michel worked in the Corporate Finance Division of PriceWaterhouseCoopers in the Netherlands, at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean of the United Nations in Argentina (ECLAC/CEPAL), and in the internal consulting division of the Telecom Italia Group in several Latin American countries.