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Últ. actualización: 15/01/2025

Durand, Julio

El contenido de este perfil es responsabilidad exclusiva del docente investigador.

Julio Durand is a Full Professor and former Dean of the School of Education of Universidad Austral. He is the responsible of the University Strategic Planning Office and Institutional Reputation Unit (URI). He is the Director and Professor of Strategic planning of universities in the Doctoral Program in Higher Education (UAI-AUSTRAL-UNRN) and Coordinator of the Higher Education Studies Network (REES).

He was the University Academic Registrar (2015-2023) and served as a member of the Rector cabinet. He founded and directed the Master Program in Management of Educational Institutions (2011-2021). He served as Director of International Relations from 1997 to 2011 and as the Registrar of the University from 2011 to 2014. In 2019 he lead the accreditation of the institutional distance learning system (SIED) of the Universidad Austral.

Dr. Durand is in charge of the Research Center of Educational Policy and Higher Education. He is the academic advisor of the Regional Coordination Office for Latin American and the Caribbean in the GLOBE Program (NASA) and responsible of Linkyou Project, Erasmus Mundus Program 2017-2019.He works with Globethics LatinAmerica Office in Buenos Aires.

He is a Certified Public Accountant from Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, and Doctor in Philosophy – Education section- graduated from Universidad de Navarra, Spain. He has specialized in management of Higher Education Institutions.

Besides his work as a top administrator, he has performed advisory activities and assessment in other universities (Universidad Juan Agustín Maza, Universidad CEMA, Universidad de Mendoza, Universidad Nacional de los Comechingones, UNICABA). He has served as a peer evaluator of new and current HEI in Argentina and of postgraduate programs in CONEAU, Argentina’s National Accreditation Office; in CACES, Ecuador’s accreditation agency, he participated as international evaluator in the 2019-2020 exercise; as PICT projects evaluator of the FONCyT in the ANPCyT, Argentina’s National Science Agency; as a member of the Committees for the evaluation and academic promotion of professors of IAE Business School and the School of Management Sciences (Rosario, FCE); as member of the Jury at the III and XII Internal Contest of research projects, etc.

As a researcher, he is in charge of projects on ethics and leadership, collegiality, university governance and top management teams; in educational policy he is studying the conflict with teachers unions and the loss of classes, and the perception of sexual education by students and teachers.  He is currently in the Project studying the impact of alternation pedagogy (AIMFR- F. Ondyla) and researcher of the CeLAPES (Centro Latinamericano de Pesquisa en Ensino Superior de UFRJ). In the past he studied cooperative education in the university; the improvement of quality and academic information as part of institutional research, etc. He coordinated the project ‘Student success and retention in higher education’. He was the Argentinean coordinator of the C-PRO project to increase the employability of graduate students, with the financial support of Europeaid, ALFA III Program. He has conducted research into the academic profession in Argentina, for which he was awarded a research postdoctoral grant by the Fulbright Commission. This allowed him to spend three months in 2000 in the Center for International Higher Education at Boston College, whose Director was Professor Philip G. Altbach.
