Filosofía Inglés

Building a new culture from interdisciplinarity


Autor: IF

We are immersed in a process of cultural reconfiguration driven, to a large extent, by the emergence of new problems, unthought of in previous centuries. Now, what role should philosophy and theology play in the configuration of contemporary culture? Should they go their own way and develop independently? Should they go after the problems that science opens up? Could they get ahead and provide a framework for scientific advances? If philosophy and theology can provide a framework of wisdom for the rest of knowledge, can philosophers and theologians take on this task without the help of scientists? A negative answer seems obvious.


The Pontifical Collegio Spagnolo di Roma organized the Religion, Science, Culture and Society Conference on October 18 and 19, 2019. Dr. Claudia Vanney was invited to participate in the meeting to explain “How to build a new culture from interdisciplinarity”.

In her presentation she examined what is meant by interdisciplinarity and what its epistemic foundation is. Her proposal was to address interdisciplinary studies as a particular case of social cognition, and analyzed the dispositions that interdisciplinary work requires from researchers.

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