Filosofía Inglés

Winners of the «De las Ciencias a la Filosofía» Science Journalism Award – 2014


Autor: IF

The article “El cerebro no funciona como una computadora” (The brain doesn’t work like a computer), by Nora Bär and the video “Libre albedrío” (Free will), by Diego Golombek, have been awarded with the Scientific Journalism prize “From Science to Philosophy – 2014”, during the First Journalistic Articles Competition. This initiative seeks to promote the dialogue between the different sciences and has been possible thanks to the support of the John Templeton Foundation.



Nora Bär’s article is an interview, published in La Nación newspaper, to Stanislas Dehaene, one of the leading neuroscientists today, who conducted extensive studies on the ability to read and then gathered everything now known about brain skills that allow us to transform a set of written signs into ideas -science, arts, mathematics, technology-, in a book: “El cerebro lector” (“The Reader Brain”, published by Siglo XXI).



“Libre albedrío” is an episode of Diego Golombek’s TV show, “Proyecto G”, which airs in Canal Encuentro, in Argentina. Following the style of the program, Golombek explains how our brains work at the time of “choice” during a magic trick.




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