Filosofía Inglés

“Contemporary challenges at the intersection between science, philosophy, and theology” – Workshop


Autor: IF

On December 5th, the Workshop “Contemporary challenges at the intersection between science, philosophy, and theology” was held at the Institute of Philosophy. With the attendance of academics from Argentina and other countries, the Workshop proposed a discussion about problems of interest for current research located at the intersection of different sciences, philosophy and theology.

Below you can find the list of speakers and the titles of their presentations.

  • Oscar Horacio Beltrán, Universidad Católica Argentina
    Title of the presentation: Thomas Aquinas and an anthropic vision of the universe
  • Christián C. Carman, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes / CONICET
    Title of the presentation: The reasons for the rejection of pre-Copernican heliocentrism
  • Álvaro Perpere Viñuales, FCE/UCA y CEOP-Unsta
    Title of the presentation: Economic science facing the challenge of the notion of “social justice”
  • Juan F. Franck, Universidad Austral
    Title of the presentation: Natural connections and personal relationships
  • Francisco O’Reilly, Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay
    Title of the presentation: The end of the world and the meaning of life. Science, Theology and Philosophy facing the end of the world
  • Leonardo Caviglia, Universidad Católica Argentina / Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino
    Title of the presentation: The personal dimension and the openness to transcendence
  • Martín Grassi, Universidad Católica Argentina – Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires – CONICET
    Title of the presentation: The truth of theology
  • Juan Pablo Roldán, Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina.
    Title of the presentation: Three moments, one idea. Lombroso, Freud, Damasio and a theory about human development
  • Agustín Echavarría, Universidad de Navarra, España
    Title of the presentation: Are divine simplicity and freedom of the creative act compatible? A dialogue between Thomism and analytical philosophical theology

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