Filosofía Inglés

Academic visitorship at the University of Oxford


Autor: IF

During January and February 2020 Dr. Claudia Vanney carried out a research stay at the Faculty of Theology and Religion of the University of Oxford. It was a fruitful opportunity to deepen in her research field and to exchange experiences with colleagues of other countries.

On February 8 she was invited to deliver the lecture “Is it possible a dialogue between science, philosophy and theology?” at a Workshop organizaed by Dawliffe Hall Educational Foundation (London, UK).

She also visited Poland, where on February 22 she was invited to teach a class to academics of Philosophy and Theology, with the title: “The relevance of intellectual humility in the dialogue between science and religion”. The event was organized by the Stowarzyszenie Podnoszenia Kwalifikacji Kobiet (Warsaw, Poland).

Finally, on February 27 she gave the lecture “Science and Religion. The challenge of interdisciplinarity” at the Nicolaus Copernicus University (Torun, Poland).

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