Intellectual creativity, the arts, and the university



Hora: 14:00 hs. (Arg.)

Modalidad: online

Orador: Nathan L. King (Whitworth University, US)

As virtues of intellectual character are commonly discussed, they aim at propositional intellectual goods. But some creative works—especially those in music and the visual arts—are not primarily intended to gain, keep, or share propositional goods such as truth, knowledge, and understanding. They aim at something else. Thus, to conceive of intellectual creativity in a way that accords with standard discussions of intellectual virtue is to exclude paradigmatic works of the creative intellect. There is a kind of puzzle here: it appears that we cannot maintain both the commonly-discussed notion of intellectual virtue and the claim that, say, Beethoven’s Ninth, or Monet’s Water Lilies, are central cases of intellectually virtuous creativity. We provide a two-part solution to the puzzle. First, we suggest that some works of music and visual art can convey propositional goods. Second, we appeal to the notion of acquaintance as an epistemic good that is conveyed through creative artistic and musical to an extent not conveyed in standard prose works. In this respect, intellectual creativity is the virtue that breaks the propositional mold of much contemporary virtue epistemology.

The seminar comprises 8 monthly meetings, held via Zoom, spanning from March to November, with an estimated total dedication of 16 hours. For inquiries and registration, interested individuals should contact

It is important to note that the seminar will be conducted in English.
